Three levels of API sophistication with and without gateways

I present three different steps in a journey of developing an API endpoint. We start with the simple and bare-bones API and add a (very bad) half-baked authentication solution. The pains of that moves us on to testing Cloud Endpoints in the Google Cloud Platform, before finally testing the waters …

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William of Hedon goes to Basel

Collection of materials for lecture and reading seminar at Forschungskolloquium Kirchengeschichte, Faculty of Theology, University of Basel, Friday 19 October 2018.

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Transforming a critical edition from Word to LaTeX

This is a short guide purporting to give some tips for converting critical textual editions writen in Microsoft Word to the more versatile and professional (not to mention aesthetically pleasing) system LaTeX.

This is only a limited and somewhat naive approach, but it will be a good start for many …

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A Framework for Digital Editions and Translations

Ideas for establishing a framework that will make it possible to create born digital critical editions and research translations in an easy, robust and distributed manner. This makes creation and curation of such texts more flexible and systematic, while completely new avenues of analysing and interacting with such texts will be opened up.

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